Has your business settled for limited versions of Microsoft technology?

Microsoft is the best choice for almost all daily work in the office, whether it’s Word for document processing, Outlook for email or Excel for spreadsheets, so why not get the most out of those services? Microsoft Office 365 connects each and every Microsoft application with the Cloud, which makes accomplishing your tasks more convenient and user-friendly. With Microsoft Office 365 you have access to Word, Excel, Outlook, and other Microsoft Office tools from anywhere you can get a Web connection on virtually any device.

Email is the foundation of Microsoft Office 365. We can administer, migrate and maintain your cloud exchange environment. Even if you don’t have the latest operating system you can still take advantage of Microsoft Office 365 as Microsoft Online Services support not only Windows 7 and Vista (SP2), but also Windows XP SP3. Mac users can also access the Microsoft Office 365 applications, using OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Microsoft Office 365 Integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office and other Microsoft programs.

Microsoft Office 365 Consulting

{company} can help your business make the most of Microsoft Office 365, ensuring a smooth transition and setup. To learn more about Microsoft Office 365, contact us today at {phone} or {email}.

{company} can give you access to Microsoft Office 365’s many Cloud-based features including:

Make the most of the Microsoft applications you already use! With our help you can optimize your business’ Microsoft configuration for better accessibility, security and convenience. Contact us today to start your transition to the Cloud.

Phone: {phone}

Email: {email}