Perhaps you remember the media storm that occurred when Microsoft announced it would not longer support the Microsoft XP browser. Do you remember the sky dimming as dark clouds of doom swirled overhead — ominous warning? Well, fasten your seatbelts because there is a storm brewing again. Microsoft just announced it will end support for Office 2007. When that support ends so will the security updates leaving the door wide open for hackers to overwhelm the defenses, storm the firewalls and take the data.
- What that means for users everywhere is that it is now time to upgrade to Office 365.
The Risk is Real
Security patches are what help to keep hackers, virus, and malware at bay. Without the ongoing support, those denizens of the cyber world will find a way into machines that still utilize Office 2007. The good news is that none of this will come to be until October 10th of 2017. For right now, the storm clouds are on the distant horizon, but the reality and risk of losing support are real.
What Does This Mean for Users?
For the immediate future, it means that now is the time to prepare to navigate away from Office 2007 and adopt a more modern approach to creating documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and graphics. Microsoft has not left its user base high-and-dry. There are viable options, and Office 365 is an affordable and robust alternative.
Still, you might be freaking out over the work it will take to update your office or business to a new platform. Don’t panic. {company} provides managed IT services that help businesses just like yours to navigate the rougher seas of transition.
Can Managed IT help you Transition?
Absolutely. Office 365 offers businesses a ton of opportunities. This is cloud-based technology that takes small businesses into the global realm. It offers easy ways to collaborate, market, and produce content that helps your company grow, your market share increase, and your employees to become more efficient. Now that sounds like a recipe that we should all try. {Company} can help your leadership team transition to this new world with ease.
Managed IT is powerful. It gives small- and medium-sized businesses the power to compete with huge corporations. It provides access to world-class IT professionals that small companies would find hard to hire directly. It brings access to emerging technologies that leave outdated software and hardware in the past. Office 2007 is one such example.
To find out what {company} can do for your business, just {email} us. We work with businesses just like yours throughout {city} and the surrounding communities. If you would like a personal assessment of how {company} can help your business to move to the next level, phone us: {phone}
As a professional company that helps other businesses prosper, we have the skill and experience to help you transition from out-dated software and adapt to tools that wield real power. Give us a call at {phone} and together we can navigate the coming storm.